Finish him!

finishhimAlfred is wrestling at Fightplace for many years now. Exactly 5 years and he grew up a lot in that time. He had to take many pain in that time, but he learned many new techniques as well and got very experienced. So now he is no youngster anymore, more an old fighter and an integral part of our team like his opponent Hardy.
Hardy is in our team for many years too, but we still can’t judge him. On one hand he can fight very hard with many tricks and on the other hand the fight can turn erotically.
Both parts of him are available in “Finish him!”. Hardy wanted to beat up his younger opponent, but he acquired Alf. Meanwhile Alfred got very powerful. He became taller and wider. He performed some nice scissors and headlocks.
Hardy is way more clinical, which is a big problem for Alfred. Hardy grabbed no matter where and no matter how. So poor Alf had to handle some hard grabs between his legs. It took just a few minutes until his revenge but Hardy is always one step ahead.
Hardy had way more power and when Alf lay down on the floor he became more and more nasty. Later Alf was unable to counter the hard attacks of Hardy, but it’s no opportunity to abandon.
He always tried to counter to turn the fight. He really wanted to win this fight.