The Black Beast 2

Hector got wind of the Moe vs Jamie fight and learned from Moe that Jamie is a new but very tough fighter. Moe also told him that Jamie lives in a mobile home that is parked in a junkyard. Ever since he heard about the fight, he has wanted to meet the new guy, and it burns inside him to know if he could do it against him. After all, what happened to Moe doesn’t necessarily apply to him, he thinks to himself. So Hector sets off to meet Jamie and then meets him. Jamie, in private is actually a nice guy, is pleased to see Hector and after a few exchanges of words it is clear, it’s about a fight, a challenge to Hector. It was particularly hot that day. We don’t know if that’s the reason why the fight became so hot. In any case, Jamie takes this fight up a notch and takes on Hector with a passion that is almost unbelievable for a newcomer. For Jamie it looks like a pleasure, for Hector it’s torture. Due to the heat, they both fight in super skimpy briefs (thongs), but even those seem to bother Jamie 😉