The teams meet, as Moe (17) & Devin (15) want to miss their bodysuits little tan. When sunbathing they are discovered by David (17) and Jim (15). David recognizes Moe from afar and remembers a fight with him. David is on another fight with him and provoked him by pouring Moe a bottle of water over the body. Jim has additionally ne big mouth, because he feels safe at David’s page. He goes to a deal with to make a tag team fighting Moe and Devin.
In the following 45 minutes then it goes on the mats in the garage yard to the point. David, who presents himself as extremely unforgiving and good fighter, is not squeamish with its counterparties to. Devin he kugelt from almost the arm and Moe has his problems with him.
Jim was also extremely confident of victory, has trained diligently in the past, what you look at him. For a time, it is a draw between the teams. Then decide who the most staying power, the greater Power has in the enormous heat and the exertion.