Ill pwn you!

illpwnyou-1It is time for revenge! Kalli canĀ“t forget his defeat against Joe. Especially since his girlfriend left him in between because of Joe. In Pool Adventure 6 she was the reason for a serious hassle between the guys. At that time it had no good ending for Kalli. Can he force a victory over bigmouthed Joe this time? Maybe he can get his girlfriend back through that success. Or can Joe put Kalli in his place once for all so that he will never challenge him again? There will be a decision. Joe is well known for his self-confidence and his narcissism and has gained more power and tricks. Kalli is a bit smaller and has less experience. But his anger and hate against Joe can move mountains. Already when he enters the room you can feel his fury. Following this he attacks Joe hard from the beginning. But Joe reacts fast and realizes which way it takes today. He grabs Kalli and throws him against the wall. That hard you can see a hole where Kalli hit the wall. They never let the opponent out of their eyes. There is not a single second for mercy in this fight!